aim high.
go far.

More than half of Maine’s young people live in rural communities.
Small towns and cities have many advantages but they can also be isolating — places where young people may find it a challenging to earn a living. While Maine’s high school graduation rate is high, educational attainment beyond high school falls well below the national average, holding many young people back – especially those from rural areas – and limiting their future opportunities for good paying jobs and fulfilling careers.
The Aspirations Incubator was created to meet this challenge.

We want Maine’s young people to succeed.
To have good jobs, rewarding careers and fulfilling lives
To be part of a community that nurtures and supports them
To aim high, develop a plan for their future, and have the confidence to go as far as their talents and ambitions can take them

It all starts with Aspirations.

Aspirations Incubator Partner Sites
*Chewonki hosted the Waypoint program from 2017 – August 2023.
*MYC has served as the host of the Waypoint program from September 2023 to present.

Institutional Partnerships
Over the last 5 years, the Aspirations Incubator has been working to develop strategic partnerships with colleges and universities in Maine to ensure that aspiring high school graduates from rural communities have more opportunities for admission and scholarships. Through implementation of an innovative six-year youth development model in a variety of rural Maine communities, the program has successfully increased the resiliency of young people and introduced them to new post-secondary pathways.
What People Are Saying
“The kids that are involved in the program, you can see their self-confidence has increased, they feel more comfortable speaking for themselves. The big thing is that they are learning how to take care of themselves, no matter what the issue is.”
— High School Principal
“It has helped me learn to make new friends in different ways. I have learned many valuable life skills, like how to give a speech publicly without looking confused or nervous. This program is amazing, and I plan on sticking with it until the end.”
— 8th Grade Student
“This program has helped me grow as a person and made me much more confident in myself and my abilities.”
— 10th Grade Student